Saturday, December 12, 2009

God Wants You To Succeed



Monday, November 23, 2009

How to Get On Achieving Success--GOALS

Some people read all the books, watch all the DVDs, and listen to all the CDs on being successful, yet -- day after day -- success for them is just an illusion. Maybe that's the problem...they read, they watch, they listen, but they fail to set goals and take action. You would be surprised to know just how many people do not set goals. Last time I checked, it was something like 90-95%! Wow! Is there any wonder that the vast majority of society lives in a fog, arriving at retirement broke, busted, and disgusted?

So, what are goals and how do you achieve them?

Goals are representations of your visions about you and your future. They are where you see yourself next week or next month or next year.

How can you Get On Achieving Success? Follow these simple steps and watch your life change right before your very eyes!

1. Work backwards. In his book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Dr. Stephen Covey calls this "beginning with the end in mind." Let's say you're a 30-something receptionist who has grown tired of making just enough money to get by. You're living from paycheck to paycheck, so you've decided you need to get your Bachelors degree. Well, the end for you is graduation. Visualize that and answer these questions: What was your major? Are you getting a degree in Accounting, Business Administration, Computers? Next, what school are you graduating from? How many credits do you need to graduate? Get it? The benefit of working backwards is that it allows you to create smaller, bite-sized goals that will keep you encouraged along your journey. For example, you get registered for your first class -- a milestone! You get through your first semester -- another milestone! Before you know it, you'll have all the coursework done and you'll be graduating.

2. See it, speak it, seize it. Like a runner training for a race, you have to set your mind for peak performance. This is the mental work that will help develop the proper mindset for a clearer vision of you achieving your goals. If you are vying for promotion in your workplace, it is important that you see yourself already in the position you want; visualization is the 'see it' part of the equation. If you leave this out, you won't be motivated enough to follow through.

Speak it. I'm a firm believer that "the power of life and death is in the tongue." Affirmations come in handy because they serve to remind you, on both a conscious and subconscious level, that you can and will achieve your goals. Your voice is powerful, and when you hear yourself saying things like: "I am happy and excited walking across the stage to accept my Bachelors degree in Business," your subconscious mind goes to work to help make that statement a reality. Remember this, you subconscious does not know nor does it care if what you're saying is reality; if it isn't, it will start to help you make it reality. How cool is that!

Seize it. To use a few cliches here--take massive action, just do it, get 'er done, go for the brass ring, etc. Success comes through action not dreams... A-C-T-I-O-N! If you want something, you've got to do something. Our receptionist cannot expect to get that degree if she just simply hopes for it. She has to get off her duff and make strategic steps to achieve her goal, and so will you!

When you take these simple steps I've outlined for you, I guarantee you will get on achieving success!

Until next blog/vlog post,
Dr. Angela aka 'The Purpose Professor'
"Life with no purpose is no life at all!"

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Seed Money In Action, Part 3

Monday, November 2, 2009

Money and How to Get More of It, (Seed Money, Part 2)

I'd like to continue sharing my thoughts on the concept of seed money and how it can revolutionize your financial status. I'm reading Seed Money In Action by Dr. Jon Speller and Kathleen Shedaker. It is a must read!

My Ah Ha! moment for this blog post: Love money for the good that it can do. What a mental shift for me. Like I told you yesterday, I've been working through this whole "money is evil" mindset that's held me back for more years than I want to mention. Anyway, when I read the statement: Love money for the good that it can do, I had an epiphany! Speller and Shedaker go on to say that money is just energy. Money is neither good nor bad; it's just money. Like an airplane is neither good nor bad; it's just an airplane. It can be used to do bad things (i.e., 9/11) or it can be used to do good (getting me to my seminar in Grand Rapids, MI on time -- just thought I'd throw that in since I'm a frequent flyer!) So, in essence, thinking of money as energy and focusing on the positive things money can do releases us from unfounded feelings of guilt and shame we sometimes associate with having or not having it. Listen, there is no glory in poverty. Just ask a homeless person.

I don't know about you, my dear readers, but I love the fact that money can help my elderly parents live more comfortably because I can exchange it for a home health aide. Or what about exchanging it for the steaks I love to order at Texas Roadhouse? Or exchanging it for the joy of knowing I'm helping an elderly Jewish person in Russia get medicine or food when I sent $50 to The International Federation of Christians and Jews? When you put it into perspective, money--because of all the good it can do--is a lovely thing; don't you agree? What good can you generate in your world, the world of your loved ones, and the world of people-at-large by simply making an exchange? Think about it!

Join me in spreading hope through The Peoples Program, a sure-fire way to get you some more money so that you can make some awesome, life-changing exchanges!

Remember: "Life with no purpose is no life at all!"
Dr. Angela

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

3 Hot Tips to Building Effective Relationships

Let's face it, relationships take work! It doesn't matter the kind of, family, love...if they're going to be successful, we have to work! Wonderful relationships can provide security, be long lasting, and withstand trials.

Here are a few tips to help you work on those important relationships in your life:


Effective and efficient relationships require open expression on the part of all concerned. You have to express your feelings and positions on all matters pertinent on the relationship. It is not a good practice to just assume that the other party understands your needs.


Respect is the key to relationship. You show respect by listening, understanding the other person's concerns, and acknowledging their efforts. Efficient relationships cannot exist in an environment where people form quick judgements based on unfounded facts and prejudice. Respect is the very foundation for a great relationship. This also means respecting your self and others.


Another important practice is to directly talk to your loved one, co-worker, child, etc. to settle differences. Doing so will help you both work towards a win-win solution. This can be achieved when at least one of you acknowledges the importance of the relationship. Remember, when you fail to express whatever is on your mind, it can get in the way of building an effective relationship.

Relationships are important to everyone. Everyone is connected, very much like the saying "No man is an island."

"Life with no purpose is no life at all!"

Dr. Angela

Seed Money, Part 1

For years, I've been searching for something I could do online to make some extra money. I have practically every program hyped up to "make millions on online," etc. You get my drift; right?

Anyway, I concluded that most of the problem was mental. The programs worked fine, but I had all kinds of mental blocks keeping me from succeeding. So, I did the only thing any self-respecting self-help blogger would do...I found a book on the subject! Someone once told me "leaders are readers"; I believed it!

The book I found, and the one I want to share with you over my next few blogs, is Seed Money In Action by Dr. Jon Speller and Kathleen Shedaker. As spiritually oriented person, I found this book an eye-opener. For starters, it addresses the guilt some people feel when they expect, want, or need money. For too long people have misquoted the Bible and said that money is evil. Money is not evil; it's just paper! My background would suggest that if I sowed a seed, expecting a harvest, somehow I was "using God." Speller and Shedaker point out on page 13:

"It is very important in order for you to practice Seed Money Principles successfully that you first erase the concept that giving and receiving is 'using God.' You must give in order to receive, but you must also receive in order to give. It is a cycle of Good, no way 'using God', but obeying God's laws."

After this revelation, I put the seed money principles in action last Friday (10/20), and I sowed $200 into someone's life. I consciously created a cycle for good. The next day I did what I thought was a pro-bono seminar for a local church. But guess what? The conference hosts decided to "bless" me with a $200 cash gift! WOW! It hadn't even been 24 hours!

I have to tell you, guys, I'm very excited; because I know--without a doubt--that when practiced correctly Seed Money principles work! I found a great program to help me to continue creating cycles of good and I invite you to join me.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Make Room

The thought of "making room" has been playing around in my head all day. What does that really mean?

Well, it's a proven fact that if your hand is balled up in a fist nothing can get in it; by the same token, nothing can come out of it either. To receive in that balled up hand you first have to open up or make room for whatever it is you stand to receive.

Making room, from a spiritual standpoint, means:

  • Cleaning out the negative nooks and crannies in our thought life because thoughts become things.
  • Replacing and repairing those negative mind posts with positive energy because our worlds are nothing more than manifested thoughts given positive or negative energy.
  • Having faith that God wants to give to you that which you desire; He just needs you to let go of the old so that He can bring in the new.

This is a huge leap for many of us, because we often become so stuck in our comfort zone we inadvertently turn it into a complacent zone. We are afraid of the unknown and petrified to be, do, or have more than those in our immediate circle because we don't want to be different. The problem with all of that is this: we end up living lives far beneath our potential.

I want a newer car. I've prayed about it, meditated on it, visualized it, and given it to God. Or at least I thought I had until this morning when I felt impressed to sell my car! In other words, make room!

What do you want in your life that you currently don't have? Are you willing to unclentch your fist? Will you make room?

"Life with no purpose is no life at all!"

Dr. Angela