Monday, December 15, 2008

Day 10 of the Purposeful Gratitude Project

Last night I was pooped! I went to bed without blogging. So as not to make that mistake again, here's my list before I retire for the evening. Today I am grateful for:

  1. The staff at Dunkin Donuts in Windsor. They are nice people, pleasant, and willing to help with a smile. They exemplify great customer service.
  2. Watching my birthday party CD from 2006. It reminded me to dream with my eyes opened.
  3. A dry basement! It's taken about a month to get it damp-free and odor-free, but it is now and that puts a huge smile on my face!
  4. How God gave me a first class trip! I stayed at the Hyatt and drove a 2008 Red Mustang all because God provided. Thank You, LORD!
  5. Freedom to do whatever I want to do. I don't have to answer to a boss, punch a clock, or get permission to take off. Life is good!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Day 8 of The Purposeful Gratitude Project

I managed to miss Thursday and Friday blogging my gratefulness ... I apologize! I'm back on track, though. Here goes:

Today I am grateful for:

  1. Birthdays. Today is mine! I won't tell the universe my age, but I am happy to celebrate another birthday. It's been a great day filled with well wishes from family, friends, cards, and a yummy coconut cake. I grew up with a young lady named Vanessa. Vanessa died from lupus at the tender age of 22. I always think about how God has blessed me to live more than twice as long as Vanessa, and I often wonder why me and not her. I can't answer that, but suffice it to say I am truly grateful for this day.
  2. Mom. My custom is to call my mom on my birthday to say "thank you". I do this because I think birthdays are more about the choice a mother made to give life. So to my own children, I expect three calls in 2009, God willing. :-)
  3. Opportunity. I am grateful that God always opens doors of opportunity for us, even when we don't readily recognize them. Once we do, our job is to walk through. I'm walking!
  4. Birds. We have a bird feeder in the backyard, and it's been too cold for the birds to visit. Well, we had a visitor this week and it put a smile on my face to watch my little furry friend feast without effort.
  5. Laughter. It's a wonderful thing to be able to laugh. Laughter, according to the Bible, is merry medicine. Today has been filled with laughter. Andrew, my middle grandson, gave me a big laugh because he just flatly refused to sing on the phone. Even though I cajoled him repeatedly to sing to his nana, he said, "Hey, I said Happy Birthday, Nana. That's all I can do."

Stay grateful,

Dr. Angela aka "The Purpose Professor"

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Day 7 of the Purposeful Gratitude Project

Today marks a week into this project, and I have found that deciding to be positive has had some decidedly positive effects on me. I've noticed that I look for uplifting moments more. What about you? How's this project defining and/or redefining you?

Well, here is my list for today:
  1. I am grateful for God's blessings that allow me to be a blessing. It's true, it's great to give and I thank God for giving me blessings to pass on to others.
  2. I am grateful for the ability to smile. I used to feel self-conscious and hide my smile. Now I grin all the time, and I realize that my smile brings joy to others ... strangers and friends and family. It cost nothing but it's priceless!
  3. I am grateful for the Word of God. I notice that when I speak His Word as I've done today, I feel better. I just believe it's working on the inside, growing my faith. LORD, thank You for leaving me Your Word to change my world and the world at large.
  4. I am grateful for music. I love the sound of instruments and it's so amazing how God gave man the ability to create instruments that make wonderful sounds of praise to Him.
  5. I am grateful for my daughters of destiny ... Andi, Katie, Saundra, Michelle, Patress, Mercedes. These young women are precious, and it is an honor to be able to share life with them. They are strong and resilient young women and having them in my life makes me a better person

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Day 6 of the Gratitude Project

I will dismiss with the prelude today, here's my list of the 5 things I am grateful today:
  1. Thought provoking conversation. I have a friend in Colorado, and she has one of the sharpest minds of any person on earth. I love talking to her because she always says something that makes me think. People with great minds are to be commended for using them. So, today I give thanks for all the people in the world who can hold an intelligent conversation.
  2. Focus. Today I made an effort to stay focused, and I got things done. Need I say more?
  3. Mail. I received a letter yesterday that put a smile on my face.
  4. Warm weather. According to the Weather Channel, it will be 54 degrees tomorrow. Yes!
  5. Education. It is a blessing to be able to learn new things. Awesome!

Until tomorrow,

Dr. Angela Massey aka "The Purpose Professor"

Monday, December 8, 2008

Day 5 of the Gratitude Project

Happiness researchers? Did you know there was such a thing? Well, there is! It's probably not as popular an area of study as the greenhouse effect, but I think it's interesting that people have actually studied the effect of gratitude on happiness. Are you happier because you're grateful? Do grateful people have better attitudes than ungrateful people? Mm mm.....

All I can tell you is while running my own unofficial happiness research, I've discovered that I am happier. Fluke, you say? I think not! You see, as I've consciously appreciated people, ideals, concepts, places, and things, it has become harder for me to stay in a blue funk pass 5 minutes. Okay, so it's not scientific, but it works for me! So I'm happy to share my gratitude list for today:
  1. Computers. My first experience with a computer happened back in 1982 when I went to work for IBM. It was love at first sight and first use. The very idea of being able to communicate with the world at the click of a key is a blessing. I can write my sons in Texas, read Kristin's blog, post my own blog, meet and make new friends, shop in my pj's, and mail packages without leaving home. Oh yeah, I love my computer.
  2. Sweaters. It's 12 degrees here today. I've pulled out all of my warm clothes, and I found one of my favorite sweaters. It has a black and white geometric pattern, looks good over my black turtleneck and black pants. It's practical, yet stylish. Sweaters of great pieces to have in your wardrobe.
  3. Mom's talking better! Mom called today and she spoke so clearly. I am grateful that she is getting better and better every day.
  4. An unexpected blessing. For no apparent reason someone paid my cell phone bill.
  5. Shug. I was cleaning my office today and found a card my sister sent me a couple of weeks ago. It was a "Sister" card and sent just because. Her real name is Cathy, and she's my little sister. Shug is my vault. She holds my secrets, my fears, my joys, and every now and again she'll even let me complain. I love you, Shug!

What are you grateful for?

Dr. Angela aka "The Purpose Professor"

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Day 4 of The Gratitude Project

Typically church is about being grateful, and today's service was no exception. One of our choirs, Judah Ensemble, sang Hezekiah Walker's song, "Grateful". As I listened to it, I was flooded with just how grateful I am for being able to be grateful. To some, that may sound like double-talk; however, when I think about the fact that I can feel this emotion ... well ... it's awesome! So first on my list of things I am grateful for today:
  1. Emotions. It is amazing that humans were created to feel love, sadness, passion, etc. I'm glad I'm a human because I can articulate what I'm feeling at any given moment.
  2. Hugs. It's been said that we need 12 hugs a day to stay healthy. I don't get 12 every day, so I relish the days that I do. Today was one of those days!
  3. Being Missed. Yesterday was my first day back at church after visiting family for the last 2 weeks (first New Jersey then Texas). My church family genuinely missed me and I was greeted with smiles, hugs, and love.
  4. Words of Encouragement. Someone told me that things were going to get better and I could count on. They just wanted to encourage me, and I appreciate that!
  5. Old Friends. I moved to Connecticut almost 15 years ago. I knew no one, but today I have some close friends that befriended me when I got here. They've been with me through divorce, going back to school at 40 something, the birth of 3 grandchildren, moving from one city to another, my mom's health issues, and the list goes on. Real friends are priceless. Thank You, LORD, for my friends.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Day 3 of The Purposeful Gratitude Project

While running errands this morning, I drove through our small town thinking about what 5 things I would show gratitude for today. I kept thinking about all of the challenges going on in my life and I realized that gratitude truly is something we have to purposefully decide to be, do, and have. My mind was running through the long list of "woe-is-me-isms" (I made that up!). I had to deliberately do what Philippians 4:8 tells us to do: "Finally, brothers and sisters, keep your thoughts on whatever is right or deserves praise: things that are true, honorable, fair, pure, acceptable, or commendable." (God's Word Translation 1995). Considering the struggle today, I am sure that God wants my obedience so that He can change my oft-times "stinking thinking"!

Today, I am grateful for:

  1. Our mailman. Yep, you read it right! John brings the mail with such a positive attitude. I ran into him on the streets one day and he knew me. He wanted to know how I was doing. He asked about my family. In other words, he took the time to let me know that I'm more than a house number on a street in an envelope with my name on it. I am another human being and he honors that. Awesome!
  2. WIHS. This is our local Christian radio station. I appreciate the programming and how it always ministers to me when I need it most.
  3. Deacon Billings. He's my 71-year-old god-father, and because he is so loving and caring to everyone he meets,. People actually choose him to father them. You see, I made him my god-father about 3 years ago, and so have 4 other people I can think of at this moment. He never judges you and he always listens.
  4. People who go out of their way to lift my spirits. Sometimes that stinky attitude of negativity looms over us like dark clouds. I appreciate people who smile, and make it their business to get me to smile before I leave their presence.
  5. Life. We lost a dear member in our church last week. She was full of life, but suddenly she was gone. It made me think about just how precious waking up and doing what I do is ... life is precious and I hope to take nothing for granted any more.

What about you? What are you grateful for today?


Dr. Angela aka "The Purpose Professor"

Friday, December 5, 2008

Day 2 of The Purposeful Gratitude Project

Gratitude, according to Wikipedia, is "a positive emotion or attitude in acknowledgment of a benefit that one has received or will receive." I like that word acknowledgement because it suggest an understanding of personal recognition shared outward. It's like, "I know this and now I want to tell someone else what I know." In regards to being thankful, I know this. I know that I am a very blessed woman and I want to take a moment to tell God Thank You! So here's my list for today:

Today I am grateful for:

  1. My father. My dad loving takes care of my wheel-chair bound mom. He's not in the greatest shape himself, but he makes sure she's comfortable. Every time I visit them in Jersey, and watch him with her, I am reminded of what my mother really meant when she used to say, "love is what love does."
  2. Jessie. Jessie is one of my prayer partners who is away on vacation in Florida, but she thought about the Sisterin' (my prayer group) and surprised us with a phone call. Jessie is the kind of person who acts on her instincts ... she did this morning, and it was a delightful gesture.
  3. Ideas. These days my mind seems to be overflowing with ideas, thoughts, dreams, goals, visions. I attribute this to making the commitment to this project. I believe I have opened up my world because the ideas for book projects, client marketing, etc. just keep coming!
  4. Kind strangers. I stopped to get gas and this gentleman not only waited for me to get to the door, he opened it for me, and greeted me with the warmest smile. It prompted me to do the same for a lady who came into the store as I was leaving. It felt great.
  5. Adrian. I got a letter from him yesterday and it made me smile. May the love I feel for him go through the Cosmos and find him in SC and whisper, "Mom loves you!"

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Day 1 of The Purposeful Gratitude Project

Today, I am grateful for ...

1. My beautiful 4-month old grandson, Malachi Anthony Cotton. I saw him for the first time during the Thanksgiving holidays. I was awed by how this little person represents so many generations of Cottons -- my deceased Grandfather (James Cotton) a man with little education, but a persistence and commitment to taking care of his family in the best of times and in the worst of times. And what about my mom (Dorothy Cotton Johnson) ... she sits in a wheelchair these days, able to speak few complete sentences and needing help to go to the bathroom. However, in Malachi I see her ... her smile, her love for our family. And then there's my son, Malachi's dad (Aaron Anthony Cotton). Aaron is the youngest of my three sons, and was always a calm spirit. Little Malachi possesses that same calmness. So today I say to God, "Thank You! Thank You for Malachi Anthony Cotton.

2. New England weather! I've come to appreciate seasons, and it occurred to me today that seasons signal change. We often complain about it being too hot or too cold, but without those atmospheric changes germs would kill us. My trees are bare of leaves, expectant of the first snow and as I look out my office window, all is well!

3. My car! I love my car so much I named it "Faith". My car is faithful. It starts when I want it to and it takes me where I need to go.

4. Hot water. Could you imagine what life was like before water was heated and came out of a faucet?

5. My neighbor's Christmas decorations! We haven't gotten into the spirit of the holiday as much as I would like, so I was happy to see the lights, the reindeer, and the sign in my neighbor's yard that says, "Santa, you can stop here!"

What are you grateful for?

Dr. Angela Massey aka The Purpose Professor

27 Days of Purposeful Gratitude

I had a dream last night about posting a Gratitude Project on the web. At first I thought I would create a website, but it occurred to me this blog would suffice.

Why am I doing this?

1. To create a higher level of consciousness. Here's what I mean, the holiday season can be a very depressing time of the year, especially when you're away from family, going through economic hardships, etc. It's so easy to focus on the negatives when it feels like your life is spinning out of control. I speak from experience on this one! Mom had a debilitating stroke, I lost a major account, my children live 1,850 miles from me ... and the list goes on. You get the point, right?

What better way to re-focus all that negativity than to spend a few moments every day and consciously thinking about all of the things we can be grateful for? Are you game?

2. To create a space for the good. I'm tired of mediocrity! Author Catherine Ponder in her book The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity talks about creating a vacuum and cleaning out spaces so that you signal to the Universe "Hey! I'm ready for the wonderful life You have for me. See, I've made some room."

So, I invite you to join me for the next 27 days in posting at least 5 things you are grateful for each day. Let's make the end of 2008 one to be remembered as we cooperate with the Universe (God in my language) to make 2009 one filled with joy, love, peace, and plenty.


Dr. Angela Massey aka The Purpose Professor