Friday, February 22, 2008

Good Health ... On Purpose!

Hello World!

It's a beautiful, snowy day in New England. I'm not a big snow fan, but this is great weather to have the fireplace lit, to snuggle up with your honeypie, and sip huge mugs of hot chocolate! I'm sitting here sipping a glass of Sutterhome Zinfandel, thinking about my health.

As I've grown older, I've noticed that weight seems to stubbornly stay in places I want it leave! I hate feeling like I look old, worn-out, tired, and disgusted. I have to admit, though, sometimes that's exactly how I feel. Anyway, I'm on this quest to take better care of myself without nipping and tucking! Bemoaning a fate doomed to paying homage to those 25 extra pounds, I talked with a friend of mine who suggested that I detox my body. De...what?

Rick explained that I feel worn-out, tired, and disgusted because I've taken better care of my care than I have my body. We change the oil in our cars, we get tune-ups; but when it comes to our bodies -- well --

So, I'm giving my body an oil change and a tune-up. I'm getting rid of the toxins I've willingly allowed to inhabit my body because of the foods I eat. For 9-days I will consciously ingest vitamins, minerals, and a special supplement designed to refuel my sluggish engine. My 9-days will start on Sunday, 2/24/08. Stay tuned to see if there's anything to this detoxification and cleansing as I plan to post my feelings and results daily.

I figured I'm trying to do everything else on purpose, why not focus on my health?

The Purpose Professor
"Teaching people how to succeed on purpose."
Life On Purpose LLC
"Life with no purpose is no life at all!"