Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Purpose of Learning to Relax

Have you been challenged with learning how to relax? I have, so I decided to take a moment to ponder ... WHY is it that some people can just kick back with a coke and a smile, while others can't seem to relax even when they're sleeping?

For example, my mom had a stroke in October 2007. She's confined to a wheelchair. She can't talk like she used to; but she's all there mentally. She's as sharp as a tack! Before she had the stroke she was a neat-freak ... if she saw a little piece of lint on the floor, or if there was a speck of dust somewhere she was johnny-on-the-spot to pick it up or clean it up. Now mind you, this was a very irritating idosyncrasy for our entire family, because she never sat down -- she was always fixing something or cleaning something or moving something. We were constantly telling her to relax. Anyway, now that she's wheelchair bound and should be thinking about walking and talking, she's still trying to fix it, clean it, and move it. She literally throws a fit if I or other family members don't jump to pick up a speck of lint on the floor. Relaxing is something she refuses to do!

There is a purpose in relaxation. Relaxation releases stress. Relaxation enhances your body, mind, and spirit. So here's the deal, let's make a conscious decision to relax -- relieve yourself of nervous tension ... and while you're at it, make sure my mom reads this blog!

The Purpose Professor
"Teaching people how to succeed on purpose."
Life On Purpose LLC
"Life with no purpose is no life at all!"