purpose [pur-puhs] n. (1.) the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc. (2.) an intended or desired result; end; aim; goal. the purpose principle - people who are both highly successful AND happy are inspired by a sense of purpose.
Some people read all the books, watch all the DVDs, and listen to all the CDs on being successful, yet -- day after day -- success for them is just an illusion. Maybe that's the problem...they read, they watch, they listen, but they fail to set goals and take action. You would be surprised to know just how many people do not set goals. Last time I checked, it was something like 90-95%! Wow! Is there any wonder that the vast majority of society lives in a fog, arriving at retirement broke, busted, and disgusted?
So, what are goals and how do you achieve them?
Goals are representations of your visions about you and your future. They are where you see yourself next week or next month or next year.
How can you Get On Achieving Success? Follow these simple steps and watch your life change right before your very eyes!
1. Work backwards. In his book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Dr. Stephen Covey calls this "beginning with the end in mind." Let's say you're a 30-something receptionist who has grown tired of making just enough money to get by. You're living from paycheck to paycheck, so you've decided you need to get your Bachelors degree. Well, the end for you is graduation. Visualize that and answer these questions: What was your major? Are you getting a degree in Accounting, Business Administration, Computers? Next, what school are you graduating from? How many credits do you need to graduate? Get it? The benefit of working backwards is that it allows you to create smaller, bite-sized goals that will keep you encouraged along your journey. For example, you get registered for your first class -- a milestone! You get through your first semester -- another milestone! Before you know it, you'll have all the coursework done and you'll be graduating.
Effective and efficient relationships require open expression on the part of all concerned. You have to express your feelings and positions on all matters pertinent on the relationship. It is not a good practice to just assume that the other party understands your needs.
Respect is the key to relationship. You show respect by listening, understanding the other person's concerns, and acknowledging their efforts. Efficient relationships cannot exist in an environment where people form quick judgements based on unfounded facts and prejudice. Respect is the very foundation for a great relationship. This also means respecting your self and others.
Another important practice is to directly talk to your loved one, co-worker, child, etc. to settle differences. Doing so will help you both work towards a win-win solution. This can be achieved when at least one of you acknowledges the importance of the relationship. Remember, when you fail to express whatever is on your mind, it can get in the way of building an effective relationship.
Relationships are important to everyone. Everyone is connected, very much like the saying "No man is an island."
"Life with no purpose is no life at all!"
Dr. Angela
The thought of "making room" has been playing around in my head all day. What does that really mean?
Well, it's a proven fact that if your hand is balled up in a fist nothing can get in it; by the same token, nothing can come out of it either. To receive in that balled up hand you first have to open up or make room for whatever it is you stand to receive.
Making room, from a spiritual standpoint, means:
This is a huge leap for many of us, because we often become so stuck in our comfort zone we inadvertently turn it into a complacent zone. We are afraid of the unknown and petrified to be, do, or have more than those in our immediate circle because we don't want to be different. The problem with all of that is this: we end up living lives far beneath our potential.
I want a newer car. I've prayed about it, meditated on it, visualized it, and given it to God. Or at least I thought I had until this morning when I felt impressed to sell my car! In other words, make room!
What do you want in your life that you currently don't have? Are you willing to unclentch your fist? Will you make room?
"Life with no purpose is no life at all!"
Dr. Angela
Why do people suffer from low self esteem? While there are many reasons, some individuals suffer from poor body image and focus on all the negative traits of their physical appearance. Others have emotional issues that have caused their self-esteem to drop or feel themselves unworthy of any praise. Go ahead and take the self-esteem test to see where you stand, just remember whatever reasons your self-esteem may falter, the key to building it up again is to find the root of the problem.
Imagine for a moment a glass filled with water, let's call that you filled with positive self-esteem. Now, visualize a pitcher of water, let's call that the fountain of self-esteem. You came into this world filled with good self-esteem, but life keeps happening to deplete you. That's why you have to keep going back to the fountain--you have to keep your glass full. Remember, the only one who can make you excel is you and no one else. The same goes for self-esteem. The only person who can build up—or consequentially tear down—your self-esteem is you. Although other individuals may aide the process, the end decision is yours.
Many individuals look for help for their low self-esteem in books or seminars. The number of available options on the market is phenomenal, and you are sure to find one on a topic that deals with your specific issues. Check out your local library or book store and explore their "self help" section for a book that you may find helpful. Here are a few of my recommendations:
Negativity plays a tremendous role in depleting your self-esteem. Negative thoughts can pervade your confidence and crumble your self-esteem. If you find yourself surrounded by negative people or in a negative situation, try to best remedy the problem. Often, individuals in a abusive relationship have their self-esteem shattered when a supposed loved one constantly berates them and questions their worth. Similarly, a negative workplace environment can lower your self-esteem with colleagues or bosses finding fault with your work. Maybe you have a friend who is consistently negative with all surrounding him or her. Whatever the source, distancing yourself from the negativity will help you re-fill your glass of self-esteem. Strive to surround yourself with positive people. If you are going through a rough time in your personal life, you may wish to join a support group. Similarly, there are support groups available for individuals with self image issues. These groups will allow you to meet other individuals like yourself and provide a forum for you to sound your hopes and achievements.
However you choose to begin building your self-esteem, do so today! Be thorough and consistent with the process and be aware it may take a while. You should not become impatient or despondent if you find your self esteem slipping. Remember, you are an important and worthy person and should treat yourself as such.
Keep the glass full!
Oftentimes, people want to skip all of the processes and go from seedtime to harvest. And when I tell them it's not going to happen like that, they dismiss it! I explain that real leaders read and invest in themselves to assist in the growth process. They look at me and say, "Well, I can't do that if my boss doesn't approve it!" WAKE UP! Your life is yours! Your career is yours! Your growth (or lack thereof) is also yours!
Listen, if you want something different then do something different. Quick whining and complaining about how unfair life is and how you're always mistreated, overlooked, abused, misused and whatever! You cannot and you will not get the harvest as long as you're unwilling to plant the seed!
style="font-size:0pt;">Until next blog,
Saturday Night Live is one of my all-time favorite shows. Last year's Sarah Palin spoofs were hiliarious! The thing about SNL is sometimes you can even learn something if you pay close attention.
For example, remember Al Franken's character, Stuart Smalley, looking into a mirror affirming, "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough and doggone it, people like me!" So many people pooh-pooh the idea of affirmations; however, I've learned that what you say to yourself matters more than what others say to you. Why? Because your voice and your opinion carry the greatest weight in your subconscious mind.
Motivational speaker Zig Ziglar said, “The most influential person who will talk to you all day is you, so you should be very careful about what you say to you.” Wow! What are you saying to yourself all day? Most of us cannot answer that question. I know I couldn't until I started to pay attention. Imagine my horror to hear myself saying things like, "stupid me!" or "I'm so crazy."
To those of you who're saying, "Dr. A, I'm just playing. I don't mean those things. Girlfriend, you just need to lighten up!", did you know that Proverbs 26:18-19 says, "Just as damaging as a madman shooting a deadly weapon is someone who lies to a friend and then says, 'Iwas only joking."' Think about this: if a lie to a friend is a deadly weapon, what about the lies you speak to yourself in the form of negative self-talk? So here's a three step process I learned from one of my mentors, Jack Canfield, that I want to share with you to help you monitor your negative self-talk:
I teach this in some of my seminars when we talk about self-confidence and self-esteem. You see, it's important what we say about ourselves and think about ourselves. Yet, most of us are going around in a negative self-created cloud unable to realize our goals and dreams because we are in our own way.
To anchor this behavior, I've put together a quick little video from one of my seminars to show you how to do this. Have fun with this. (It's not the best video quality. It was jerky, but you can still get the essence of it).
And remember ... You're good enough. You're smart enough, and doggone it, people like ya!
"Life with no purpose is no life at all!"
Dr. A
Until next post,
Dr. Angela aka "The Purpose Professor""Life with no purpose is no life at all!"
Hey, I'm preaching to me today, friends! Are you up for the challenge of perfecting this art form? I am!
Until next post,
Dr. Angela aka "The Purpose Professor"
"Life with no purpose is no life at all!"
Looks like a win-win for everyone!
Until next post remember, "Life with no purpose is no life at all!"
So, if you want to live and work in a stress-free environment, take control of your distractions and don't let distractions take control of you!
Until next blog,
Dr. Angela
"Life with no purpose is no life at all!"
Remember this: "Devoting a little of yourself to everything means committing a great deal of yourself to nothing."
Two great resources to help you manage your time:
The key to managing your time begins with a decision to do just that!
Until next blog,
Dr. Angela
"Life with no purpose is no life at all!"
So, what small change are you willing to make? Just a few suggestions, how about:
This is the point. If you and I make up our minds to do something, then by definition we are doing that thing on purpose. However, oftentimes our zeal and excitement lasts for about a week, then it's back to the same old, same old. Just make a small change. Don't upset your life or routine too much. Then before you know it, right before your eyes, you'll see the fruit of that small change ... you will experience a BIG DIFFERENCE!
Until next blog,
Dr. Angela reminding you: "Life with no purpose is no life at all!"