One of my new favorite authors is Stuart Wilde. I've been reading his book The Trick to Money Is Having Some
and my inspiration for this post comes from Stuart. Stuart said on page 167, "I know that in old religions it is popular to think that God is up there pulling strings, deciding who's going to make it and who isn't. But that idea is tribal and childlike. The fact is, the Great Spirit is impartial and allows us to be as silly as we want to be for as long as we want. It does not decide for us. People who have clarity and intention make it in life, those who lack those qualities usually don't make it. It is as simple as that."
Clarity defined is being clear about something. If we are to achieve any level of success in our personal and professional lives, it's going to take clarity. Are you clear about your life and the kind of legacy you'd like to leave behind? What will you be remembered for? It's going to depend on the clarity you have right now ... or the lack thereof!
Intention is just as important as clarity. I think Stuart put those two words together to emphasize the importance of determination. And that makes good sense to me! Think about it, you can be crystal clear about what you want, but if you lack the determination to take action you're no different than the famous frogs on the lily pad story I often hear in seminars. It goes like this: 3 frogs were sitting on a lily pad. 1 decided to jump. How many were left on the lily pad? The answer? Three! You see, deciding and jumping are two different things.
The last part of this equation is action. Unfortunately, that's where many of us fizzle out! I know I do, sometimes! Like the frog, I'm still deciding instead of doing. Too afraid to just do something! But to overcome this, we simply have to do it afraid! In the words of Nike: "Just Do It!" Because I'm a big fan, my next read to help in this area is Do it Afraid!: Obeying God in the Face of Fear
. I'll give you my thoughts on it after I read it.
Do you want real, tangible success? Follow this simple equation and watch your life explode with success: C (Clarity) + I (Intention) + A (Action) = S (Success).
Until next post,
Dr. Angela aka "The Purpose Professor"
"Life with no purpose is no life at all"
Clarity defined is being clear about something. If we are to achieve any level of success in our personal and professional lives, it's going to take clarity. Are you clear about your life and the kind of legacy you'd like to leave behind? What will you be remembered for? It's going to depend on the clarity you have right now ... or the lack thereof!

Do you want real, tangible success? Follow this simple equation and watch your life explode with success: C (Clarity) + I (Intention) + A (Action) = S (Success).
Until next post,
Dr. Angela aka "The Purpose Professor"
"Life with no purpose is no life at all"
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