Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Roll Over!

Okay. I admit it. I'm a proud Nana showing off the 4th of my grandsons...Hunter William Johnson! My daughter-in-law, Kristin, sent me this video and it made me think about how much we lose when we become adults. Let me explain. You see how Hunter has discovered he can roll over? Once he figured it out, though, he didn't stop short of rolling because ... What if I can't do it again? What if nobody likes me now that I can roll? What if this is all I'll ever be able to do? What if the other babies call me a 'show off'? Nope! Hunter is just going with the flow and tapping into his natural ability to roll over with a little coaxing from his mom.

What about us? What have you and I figured out that we can do if but for just a little determination? What's holding us back from tapping into our own God-given talents and abilities to make a difference in the world around us? How many times have we just needed a little encouragement to enable us to conquer a brand new world? How often have we "poo-pooed" someone's pep talk and stubbornly stayed stuck? Mmmmmm..........

I believe as we grow older we forget just how much we really can do. We stop discovering and get stuck in mediocrity. So, my friends, my word to you today is this: BE CURIOUS, GO WITH THE FLOW, GET YOURSELF A SUPPORT SYSTEM and just like my grandson, Hunter, let your natural abilities rise up and ROLL OVER!

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