Monday, December 15, 2008

Day 10 of the Purposeful Gratitude Project

Last night I was pooped! I went to bed without blogging. So as not to make that mistake again, here's my list before I retire for the evening. Today I am grateful for:

  1. The staff at Dunkin Donuts in Windsor. They are nice people, pleasant, and willing to help with a smile. They exemplify great customer service.
  2. Watching my birthday party CD from 2006. It reminded me to dream with my eyes opened.
  3. A dry basement! It's taken about a month to get it damp-free and odor-free, but it is now and that puts a huge smile on my face!
  4. How God gave me a first class trip! I stayed at the Hyatt and drove a 2008 Red Mustang all because God provided. Thank You, LORD!
  5. Freedom to do whatever I want to do. I don't have to answer to a boss, punch a clock, or get permission to take off. Life is good!

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