Saturday, May 31, 2008

Understanding the Purpose of Focus, Part 1

Merriam-Webster defines focus as "a state or condition permitting clear perception or understanding." Living in a time when gas prices are the highest in the history of our country, and foreclosures are at an all-time high, how can we gain a clear perception of success, prosperity, and abundance? In other words, how do we maintain our focus?

Let's face it, it is human nature to get distracted! Oftentimes we get distracted when we look at the reality of our situation and we think about what we don't have or what we can't do. Then confusion, doubt, and fear set in. Well, the first step to understanding the purpose of focus is to become selective about what we think about and talk about. Granted, that takes concentration; but, I'm convinced if we don't consciously concentrate we will lose focus.

Think of it this way: if you take a magnifying glass and hold it to a piece of paper, allowing the rays of the sun to act as a laser beam, then over time the rays of the sun will set the paper on fire. When light is focused, it has the potential to cut through steel! Wow!

Here's a wonderful thought for you and me: Nothing is a potent as a focused life!

Next week, I'll tell you why focus is so important and what focus can do for you. So stay tuned.

Until next time,

The Purpose Professor
"Teaching people how to succeed on purpose."
Life On Purpose LLC
"Life with no purpose is no life at all!"

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