Thursday, March 26, 2009

Small Changes, Big Differences

It's been a while since I've blogged. Don't worry! I won't give you a bunch of excuses as to why.

This blog has to do with an extraordinarily simple concept: small changes over time make big differences. I know. I know. Some of you are reading this and going, "Duh!" Indulge me, okay? I knew it, too; at least from a mental standpoint. It just took me some time to implement it. So, here's what I did.

Back in December I celebrated a birthday. (None of your business which one!) I decided to move my body at least 20 minutes 6 days a week ... a small change. Well, it's March and here's my big difference--drum roll, please--I've dropped an entire dress size! My clothes fit better, and I feel better.

Here's another example. I bank at Bank of America and signed up for their "Keep the Change" savings program. Every time you use your debit card, BofA rounds up the charge and puts the change into a savings account. Well, in less than 2 weeks I noticed I had accumulated a little over $7. It's small change, but over time it will make a big difference.

So, what small change are you willing to make? Just a few suggestions, how about:

  • Getting off your bus stop or subway stop one stop earlier and walking every day?
  • Drinking one more glass of water than you normally do every day?
  • Getting up 5 minutes earlier every day so that you can have some quiet time to meditate and center yourself.
  • Moving your body 20 minutes a day

This is the point. If you and I make up our minds to do something, then by definition we are doing that thing on purpose. However, oftentimes our zeal and excitement lasts for about a week, then it's back to the same old, same old. Just make a small change. Don't upset your life or routine too much. Then before you know it, right before your eyes, you'll see the fruit of that small change ... you will experience a BIG DIFFERENCE!

Until next blog,

Dr. Angela reminding you: "Life with no purpose is no life at all!"